... a mother, writing about adventures in assisting and advocating for her young adult son who has special needs,
invites you to come along for the ride.

Thursday, December 16

Thankful Thursday

Thankful List, for this Thursday...

I just want to mention again that... every attempt at making this list is just another addendum to the ongoing list,.  I know I will never be able to put into words all that I have been blessed with and all that I have become aware of being thankful for...

My God chose to send His Son into the world that He has made, to save us... to redeem us from all of the unrighteousness we represent, and to cover us with the righteousness of His Son, that we might have a real relationship with Him, through Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross.  Today, I am so thankful for the Bible, for it's timelessness and for the way God has protected it over the years in such a way that now any of us (yes even I) may have a copy of my own to hold in my hands, and to read with my own eyes the marvelous works of our Creator and of our Redeemer. 

"I rejoice at your word
like one who finds great spoil."

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