... a mother, writing about adventures in assisting and advocating for her young adult son who has special needs,
invites you to come along for the ride.

Tuesday, August 18

Tuesday's To Do List...

Today is a day in which I need to get lots of things done. That sometimes seems true for everyday at our house, but for some reason especially today. I'm tempted to just write about those things which could be identified as tasks related to the special needs in the family, but the truth is - I have those tasks plus all the regular or normal or "typical" things to get done as well.

Admitting that my "to do" list is considerably shorter than those parents who are also working in "paying jobs", here it is:

  • assist young adult son in getting ready for and physically getting to his day program at UCP LINCPoint - he cannot do either without me
  • order refills for the prescription drugs that give my son (and myself) a better life
  • call the case worker assigned to my adult son's services through the state's Department of Health, and Department of MHMR which assists those with developmental challenges like my son's - we need her help to resolve a problem we have encountered in "the system"
  • call and make a payment on special pharmaceutical drugs that are delivered to our home monthly
  • call a friend of mine whom I've been neglecting to call, being sidetracked with life's challenges
  • spend time cleaning at least one room of this house
  • finish folding the laundry that came out of the dryer yesterday
  • call a repairman for the electrical problem that we are having
  • call a repairman for the appliance problem that we are having
  • plot the appointment dates onto the family calendar - includes MY appointments as well as our son's appointments. I want to see where we can fit in our next trip to see our grandchildren in TX!
  • call to cancel the appointment made "automatically" by the medical center's clinic, and reiterate, once again, that we cannot attend appointments on Wednesdays
  • pick up the refills of prescription drugs and sort them into several containers that are dated and divided by time of day - so that in our haste we do not forget a dose of one of my son's required medications
  • call a brother who is having disturbing vision problems
  • pick up my young adult son and come home, an adventure of about an hour and a half
  • work a few minutes on the project of getting the filed papers in our home organized - steadily making progress!
  • do afternoon skin care routine for our young adult son, and other such required things
  • okay, and brush my teeth, take MY vitamins, EAT something, 30-walk on treadmill, and 15 minutes outside for "fresh" air
  • oh! THINK OF SOMETHING FOR SUPPER, and go ASAP to purchase the ingredients that I can't find in the pantry

That's quite a list, and it's not everything - since I won't be writing here about a lot of what we do for our son .

I cannot face days like these or any day, alone. I must go now and prepare myself for the day, by reading passages in the Bible and by talking personally with the Lord in prayer. It would be foolish to start any other way!

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed,
do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through him."

Colossians 3:17 NIV

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