... a mother, writing about adventures in assisting and advocating for her young adult son who has special needs,
invites you to come along for the ride.

Sunday, November 22

Sunday Rest... Quiet Rest

"There is a place of quiet rest...
near to the heart of God..."

The words of the song remind us that quiet rest is found in becoming near to God... and that is done with personal time spent with Him. Nancy Leigh DeMoss has written a good book to help us understand more about this, and to address some of our excuses or hurdles faced when attempting to carve out a little "me & God" time in our busy lives. If you're looking for more motivation, I highly recommend this book!

The God of the universe created us for fellowship with Himself. We realize this and long for that personal intimacy with God, but it often seems out of reach. Nancy Leigh DeMoss sheds light on the process of coming to know God intimately. In, "A Place of Quiet Rest" Nancy shares from her heart and life how a daily devotional time can strengthen your relationship with Christ. She addresses the common frustrations and pitfalls that most of us encounter in our devotional life, and makes practical suggestions for overcoming them.

Experience that place of quiet rest... everyday!


Thursday, November 19

Thankful Thursday

Today, I'm thankful for...

- a skilled rehab physical therapist for my back problems

- time available to go and do the 2-hour therapy sessions

- a reliable vehicle and money for the gas it needs

- son David's gentle spirit

- my husband's support

- prayer partners and friends who care

- HOPE, for all pending situations

- God's provision for my life

"Count your blessings,
name them one by one..."

Wednesday, October 28

The WORD for Wednesday

"And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations,
knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance;
and perseverance, proven character;
and proven character, hope;
and hope does not disappoint,
because the love of God has been poured out
within our hearts through the Holy Spirit
who was given to us."

Romans 5:3-5 NASB

Tuesday, October 27

Tuesday's To Do List...

The To-Do List for today:
  • plan evening meals for the rest of the week
  • clear my bathroom counter ...again
  • update David's 3 medical record sheets for Thursday's visit to his rehab doctor
  • make calls and pay two bills for David's healthcare products
  • restock David's bathroom "pantry" with incontinent supplies that arrived LAST week.
  • laundry

Today is a short day for me, hence the very short list. My physical therapy session today is from 1-2PM, and from there I drive to pick David up by 2:45pm. Although I will be home again around 3:45 or so, the types of chores I can accomplish while David is with me are quite different type than what I can do alone. So, I'll probably save the laundry for this time period.

Monday flew by. It feels good to start another day!

"Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior,
not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine,
teaching what is good, so that they may encourage
the young women to love their husbands, to love their children,
to be sensible, pure, workers at home,
kind, being subject to their own husbands,
so that the word of God will not be dishonored."

Titus 2: 3-5 NASB


Monday, October 26

Monday Musings...

Things I like …in no particular order

~flowers ~ good friends~the color pink, particularly rose-pink~ my hubby ~ fluffy pillows~ puzzles ~hand-crafted greeting cards ~crepe myrtles ~ scent of vanilla extract ~all sorts of music~ creaky rocking chairs ~ folding clothes ~ little girl's hairbows ~beautiful papers ~soft cuddly blankets or throws~ my camera ~ cinnamon toast ~my grandbabies ~handwritten personal letters ~warm fuzzy socks~ art museums ~ coffee ~lilies and irises~ comfy sweaters~family heirloom china~special old greeting cards ~ well written books ~the smell of freshly laundered sheets~ roses ~ brownies ~Mexican food ~ colorful scrapbooking papers ~ reading ~traditional furniture ~children’s books ~ ceiling fans ~ big hugs ~textured things ~old afghans made by my Grannies ~scenic paintings ~videos of Austin and Megan ~bookshelves~ vintage family quilts ~the sound of the wind in the trees ~ words ~the crinkled pages in my Bible at my favorite verses ~ hot tea ~ photographs of my grandbabies ~ labels on things ~journals ~shady pathways ~ shades of pink ~gazing into another’s eyes ~ two wonderful women who are my sons’ wives ~ Thanksgiving ~old books ~3/4 length sleeves ~ computer communications~ sensible shoes ~family meals ~ good conversation ~ peonies ~Christmas ornaments ~VBS ~my three grown sons~ fonts ~ homemade banana bread ~ my grandbabies (Did I mention that?) ~my family photos children’s smiles~old porch swings~bare feet~ a loving God, Jesus my Savior and Lord, and the Word of God


Sunday, October 25

Sunday Rest...

Resting has taken on a lot of different meanings to me this year. Right now, the rest that I need is both physical and spiritual. I find physical rest by taking a break from some of the routine chores of the household. I find spiritual rest in reading God's Word... and in listening for His voice.

"Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me,
for I am gentle and humble in heart,
For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."


Friday, October 23

Friday Free Time

For over a month, I haven't really had a lot of "free time". We've been busy at our house... just with everyday normal things, but also with recoveries from an ER trip for David, and now the beginnings of physical therapy to get my aching back into shape again. Of course I have to mention the BIG event of the month - my two grandchildren have their first birthdays this month, too!
AUSTIN had his first birthday party last Saturday in Houston and we drove out there for that. Oh, what fun - pinata and all! His actual birthday was this Wednesday, and I heard they had a fun day then as well. AUSTIN is such a cutie... with a slew of priceless expressions which he parades across his precious face! Austin was quieter this trip, but still got his message across whenever he wanted to with both jabbering and facial expressions. He loves to move, and can really move FAST! He continues to show signs of athleticism which of course pleases the
Granddaddy in this family!
MEGAN will turn one tomorrow! We drove from Houston to Weatherford to see her last Saturday night after the big party for her cousin. We celebrated a little before the actual birthday, but she didn't seem to mind. At least it wasn't a belated birthday celebration! She will have her actual birthday party with family on her birthday this Saturday. MEGAN is a busy little girl who shows determination... she is chatty now with lots of sounds and babbling, and even able to use some sign language. She is loving her Mommy a lot right now and really wants to be with her. She is just a little bit shy although she can sure flirt with her Granddaddy! She has him wrapped around her little finger, just like she does her Daddy!

Uncle Dave and the Grandparents really love these two little ones, and are excited about Austin's baby sister Sophie who will soon join the family! We are so thankful to have them in our lives!

Monday, September 14

Monday Musings...

Mondays are often dreaded - but I usually enjoy them. I tell people that I like Mondays since they signal a new beginning. New beginnings are great motivators! Starting the day with a clean slate and increased energy (created by resting on the day before!) can lead to a wonderful and exciting day.

We sure had some excitement today! Our son David had a FLURRY of break-through seizures this morning while he was attending UCP-Birmingham's LINCPoint day hab program. This led to a trip to the ER, as his seizures continued one after the other. His break-through seizures occurred in the process of our neurologist's attempts to manage his many seizure medications.

People who have seizure disorders or epilepsy depend upon medications to increase the threshold at which their seizures occur. Everyone's threshold is different, and everyone's seizure disorder is different. Most neurologists aim to: achieve the least number of seizures ... using the least amount of medicine ...with the least amount of side effects, including loss of alertness or sedation.

This is the direction our neurologist was going when we were told to reduce a drug that turned out to be a necessity for our son. Balancing seizure medications is a very complicated task, especially when you factor in that every person's chemical makeup is different, and their reactions to changes in medications vary so drastically. The tenacity with which our son's personal seizure disorder "sticks in there" also makes the balancing of the goals of fewer seizures, least amount of drugs and side effects VERY difficult. It has always been this way for him, ever since the onset of seizures at 7.5 months of age.

David's seizures today were complex-partial, which is the typical presentation of seizures for him... one part of his body jerks rhythmically while he loses most of his consciousness. It's not pretty. Over the years he has had multiple types of seizures, and has had more seizures than we cared to keep a count of since they topped 3500 back in 1990. They occur MUCH less frequently nowadays, ever since the FDA gave approval in the early 90's for more drug studies in children with epilepsy. Without those "new" drugs, many of which included our son David in their drug studies, David's life would be an entirely different picture. We are SO THANKFUL that the pharmaceutical companies were given opportunity to prove that there were drugs that could help children with seizure disorders. And those same drugs were first made available to the adult population - one which David has now joined.

Life with a child with an intractable(uncontrollable) seizure disorder is never boring, but of course has its ups and downs. Today was definitely not boring... yet our son made it through the overwhelming challenges yet again. He is recovering. What a trooper!

Throughout his life, our son's experiences have pointed out the ways in which the rest of us are really the disabled ones. How many of us could constantly get up and face everyday peacefully and even cheerfully if we had these seizures to deal with? How many of us (who consider ourselves normal) could remain as calm toward those who make remarks or judgment calls toward us because of our differences? How many of us... the questions go on and on endlessly in my head. Whose accomplishments are the greatest - those of a person with much physical strength and mental power... or those with very much less? Can we really view ourselves as better because we can achieve more or "bigger" things... when persons with special needs put forth so very much energy in just achieving the taking of a breath, or the whisper of a word, or the completion of another difficult task. Are any us, deemed to be "normal", proving ourselves to be anything MORE than ... lazy, irresponsible, or ... disabled ?? I think we have a LOT to learn from those we label as disabled.

So today marks another chance for a new beginning. Let's begin today as one who is responsible, as one who is not lazy, as one who makes the most of every opportunity.

"From everyone who has been given much,
much will be required."


Sunday, September 13

Sunday... Resting and Reading...

Sundays at our house are for resting. We pare down our schedules, and cut out the work load and to-do lists. Not even our son with special needs requires a reminder. It's just what we do.

Attending church, napping, reading and quiet times together... these make up our Sundays.

Even in a restful day it is important to focus on one thing at a time. And today's one important thing is God's word to us, the Bible.

"Your word is a lamp that gives light wherever I walk. "

Psalm 119:105 (CEV)

Saturday, September 12

Thankful List, on Saturday...

Life was hectic this week at our house... and I almost forgot to post my weekly Thankful List. Can't get away with that!!!!

So, in addition to the major grattitudes I've posted before... THIS WEEK, I'm so thankful for...
  • doctors for David and the ability to be SEEN by them when we need to
  • a husband with whom to share life's ups and downs
  • sons... And wives for our sons!
  • the amazing JOY in having grandchildren!
  • options in life, and choices to make
  • the overwhelming truth that... Jesus loved me enough to die on the cross, covering my sins with His righteousness! Truly there aren't any words to fully describe that!

"Beyond all these things put on love,
which is the perfect bond of unity.

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,
to which indeed you were called in one body;
and be thankful."


Monday, August 31

Monday Musings...

You know how sometimes you get something stuck in your mind and it keeps going round and round... like the lyrics of a song, or the tune itself, or... the last rude thing someone said to you, or vice-versa? Well, this past week I've had a thought that keeps reappearing in my mind, and have finally decided to just deal with it. Sometimes the best way to handle a nagging thought is to just deal with it.

There's a saying from some in my collection of family and friends that goes like this,
"Be where you're at".
I've also heard this thought stated another way,
"Where ever you are, be there".

This thought has been relentless, lately... popping up at various times and in various situations. I have to admit that thinking about it leads me to the desire to make everything in every moment COUNT.

To BE WITH whom I'm with... to LISTEN to the person speaking... to LOOK at who is looking at me... to ENCOURAGE the one who came to me for encouragement... to APPLAUD the one who came deserving recognition or attention... to BE INVOLVED where I am at the moment... to PARTICIPATE in my surroundings. Sounds like a given, but it can be so easy to fall into the rut of "getting things done".

I'm now inclined to reserve the actions of THINKING (as in studying), READING, RECORDING MY THOUGHTS, PLANNING, and ANALYZING things... for those times when I'm alone in the place I have designed for doing these things.

I want to invest my time in the lives of other people when the opportunities arise. Instead of being or appearing preoccupied in the presence of others, I want to BE WITH those I'm with. I want to interact with them, and to encourage them, and to invest in their lives, and to enjoy communication with them.

I want to FOCUS on making an impact, investing my time, right where I am and with whom I am... particularly, and especially, when I want to be somewhere else. Did I just admit that I don't always want to be "where I am"? I think so! And I don't think I'm alone in this either.

A friend of mine brought up the subject today in reference to the fact that, as parents of children with special needs, we have the opportunities to go places and be with people that we never would have been able to go and to be - were it not for our children and their activities relating to their special needs. She's right. We, and our children, are given the opportunities to communicate with and to relate to people whom we (or our children) would never have had the opportunity to meet, otherwise. Rather than chance meetings, interruptions, or hurdles - these opportunities are found to be "divine appointments", indications that God is able and willing to use us in the lives of others.

"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.
Always be prepared to give an answer
to everyone who asks you to give the reason
for the hope that you have.
But do this with gentleness and respect,"

Anyway...I think there is a lot of good counsel in the statement that popped in and out of my thoughts for days. Though it's not exactly good grammar, it's definitely a statement worth reflection.

"BE where you're at!"


Sunday, August 30

Restfulness is not laziness...

Sometimes in today's world, we walk a fine line... or think we may. We say we know of the value of a day of rest, but we fear that we are teetering towards laziness if we take more than a few hours "off". Most parents find there is no time to spare or waste, and we as parents of children and adults with special needs find it particularly true. Our experience is that the world has been rewarding hard work and focus while penalizing laziness (or sloth) for a very long time. We may fear that our restfulness is to be treated as slothfulness, and find ourselves juggling responsible work with the need of rest.

I ran across this from Dr. James D. Hegedus, and find it helps put things into perspective...

"Sloth is not restfulness…There is a difference between laziness and restfulness. In the world in which we live restfulness or what the Bible calls “sabbath” is a very healthy necessity. Sloth is not lingering long over lunch with a friend, or strolling aimlessly through the woods with the person we love, or spending a day doing nothing because the demands of your job are about to do you in, or moving through a weekend without the fret of hurry, purpose, or chore, or spending an hour watching a sunset or listening to the sounds of nature, or spending whatever time alone in silence to quiet your spirit and get back in tune with God."

So let's try to remember...
Sloth is laziness...
restfulness is not.

My prayer today is that you find time to spend in rest and silence... to quiet your spirit and get back in tune with God.

"For he that is entered into his rest,
he also hath ceased
from his own works,
as God [did] from

Friday, August 21

Friday Free Time

It's Friday. I normally schedule myself some free time on Fridays just because I'm not actually free on the weekends. All moms with children can relate, and those with special needs children can really relate. The weekend time schedule is usually more under our own control, but the actual events of the days are definitely not. But that's okay, as long as we schedule ourselves some free time somewhere else in the week. It's important.

Free time activities are really different for everyone, according to our personalities and personal tastes. Here are a few of mine:

  • Dining out with my husband
  • Talking with my sons, my sons' wives, and my grandchildren
  • Reading (especially my Bible and stories about the lives of missionaries)
  • Having a bit of quiet time, just to myself... for clear-headed thinking
  • Looking at stacks and stacks of photographs of my family
  • Planning those "never-gonna-happen" home remodeling projects : )
  • Researching fun things to do "someday"
  • Taking a walk with my youngest
  • and most importantly, spending 'time alone' with God

Hopefully, we are all able to find some free time sometime... and make the best use of it! Which, of course, sort of contradicts the whole idea of "free" time, doesn't it?

If you have some unique ideas of how to use your free time that would be beneficial to parents of children with special needs, I'd love to hear about it! Comments are welcome...and monitored by me to be sure nothing crazy gets posted here to embarrass me or anyone. So, shoot me an email or post a comment here if you have anything interesting that other parents of children with special needs should be doing for rest/relaxation/recuperation! : )

"I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint."

Thursday, August 20

Thankful Thursday

Though I'll never be able to list all the things I am or have become thankful for, I'm listing a few again today. No amount of thankfulness nor any of the items on my list would exist without the presence of our holy God. So I'm thankful, first of all, that He exists and has made Himself known to men - and particularly to this woman.

Furthermore, I am thankful for:
  • a reliable vehicle
  • the ability to taste and differentiate between flavors
  • variety as opposed to continual samenesss
  • lunch break with my hubby
  • that my toe problem of last year is now past history
  • books
  • friends
  • and family

"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good.
His love endures forever"

Psalm 136:1


Wednesday, August 19

The WORD for Wednesday

"Enough! You've corrupted justice long enough,
you've let the wicked get away with murder.
You're here to defend the defenseless,
to make sure that underdogs get a fair break;
Your job is to stand up for the powerless,
and prosecute all those who exploit them."

Tuesday, August 18

Tuesday's To Do List...

Today is a day in which I need to get lots of things done. That sometimes seems true for everyday at our house, but for some reason especially today. I'm tempted to just write about those things which could be identified as tasks related to the special needs in the family, but the truth is - I have those tasks plus all the regular or normal or "typical" things to get done as well.

Admitting that my "to do" list is considerably shorter than those parents who are also working in "paying jobs", here it is:

  • assist young adult son in getting ready for and physically getting to his day program at UCP LINCPoint - he cannot do either without me
  • order refills for the prescription drugs that give my son (and myself) a better life
  • call the case worker assigned to my adult son's services through the state's Department of Health, and Department of MHMR which assists those with developmental challenges like my son's - we need her help to resolve a problem we have encountered in "the system"
  • call and make a payment on special pharmaceutical drugs that are delivered to our home monthly
  • call a friend of mine whom I've been neglecting to call, being sidetracked with life's challenges
  • spend time cleaning at least one room of this house
  • finish folding the laundry that came out of the dryer yesterday
  • call a repairman for the electrical problem that we are having
  • call a repairman for the appliance problem that we are having
  • plot the appointment dates onto the family calendar - includes MY appointments as well as our son's appointments. I want to see where we can fit in our next trip to see our grandchildren in TX!
  • call to cancel the appointment made "automatically" by the medical center's clinic, and reiterate, once again, that we cannot attend appointments on Wednesdays
  • pick up the refills of prescription drugs and sort them into several containers that are dated and divided by time of day - so that in our haste we do not forget a dose of one of my son's required medications
  • call a brother who is having disturbing vision problems
  • pick up my young adult son and come home, an adventure of about an hour and a half
  • work a few minutes on the project of getting the filed papers in our home organized - steadily making progress!
  • do afternoon skin care routine for our young adult son, and other such required things
  • okay, and brush my teeth, take MY vitamins, EAT something, 30-walk on treadmill, and 15 minutes outside for "fresh" air
  • oh! THINK OF SOMETHING FOR SUPPER, and go ASAP to purchase the ingredients that I can't find in the pantry

That's quite a list, and it's not everything - since I won't be writing here about a lot of what we do for our son .

I cannot face days like these or any day, alone. I must go now and prepare myself for the day, by reading passages in the Bible and by talking personally with the Lord in prayer. It would be foolish to start any other way!

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed,
do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through him."

Colossians 3:17 NIV

Sunday, August 16

Sunday Rest...

There is a place of quiet rest... near to the heart of God.

There is a place of quiet rest,
Near to the heart of God.
A place where sin cannot molest,
Near to the heart of God.

O Jesus, blest Redeemer,
Sent from the heart of God,
Hold us who wait before Thee
Near to the heart of God.

There is a place of comfort sweet,
Near to the heart of God.
A place where we our Savior meet,
Near to the heart of God.

O Jesus, blest Redeemer,
Sent from the heart of God,
Hold us who wait before Thee
Near to the heart of God.

There is a place of full release,
Near to the heart of God.
A place where all is joy and peace,
Near to the heart of God.

O Jesus, blest Redeemer,
Sent from the heart of God,
Hold us who wait before Thee
Near to the heart of God.


Thursday, August 13

Thankful Thursday

I'm continuing to enumerate the things for which I've learned to be thankful. Not necessarily tangible things. Some of these things are things for which I have only recently realized my thankfulness. And others are things for which I am only just beginning to understand the magnitude of my thankfulness.

This past week, I've been so thankful for...

1) the impact of rest on a weary, aging body
2) the joy of relationships with warm and encouraging friends
3) the friendship and loyalty of a brother who chooses to continue to be helpful - cheerfully
4) my husband's growing love for me, and for each additional day we have together
5) the beauty of the ocean's tides and that visual definition of "unending" - reminding me of God's unending love forever washing over me
6) the opportunity to share a smile with someone else
7) the very LIFE found in the words of the Bible, and for my freedom to own my very own copy

"Keep deception and lies far from me,
Give me neither poverty nor riches;
Feed me with the food that is my portion,"
Proverbs 30:8

Sunday, August 9

Sunday Rest...

My faith has found a resting place,
Not in device or creed;
I trust the ever living One,
His wounds for me shall plead.

I need no other argument,
I need no other plea,
It is enough that Jesus died,
And that He died for me.

Enough for me that Jesus saves,
This ends my fear and doubt;
A sinful soul I come to Him,
He’ll never cast me out.

I need no other argument,
I need no other plea,
It is enough that Jesus died,
And that He died for me.

My heart is leaning on the Word,
The living Word of God,
Salvation by my Savior’s Name,
Salvation through His blood.

I need no other argument,
I need no other plea,
It is enough that Jesus died,
And that He died for me.

My great Physician heals the sick,
The lost He came to save;
For me His precious blood He shed,
For me His life He gave.

I need no other argument,
I need no other plea,
It is enough that Jesus died,
And that He died for me.


(It's also on CyberHymnal.)


"Now we who have believed enter that rest,"
Hebrews 4:3 NIV

Sunday, August 2

Rest... and Relaxation...

Last Friday I had planned to upload photos from various stages of my son David's life. He's had numerous challenges in life - these pictures show him having fun, making faces, working hard, and goofing off - all through the stages of his life. Things didn't go exactly according to plan... but I did get started on the scanning process, and those photos will appear on the blog EVENTUALLY. : )

However, THIS WEEK is time for resting... for Mom and Dad, and also for David. He is attending camp for adults with special needs at a wonderful site in Alabama. You can check on the web for photos of the camp and campers this week on their website... Camp ASCCA. What a great group of campers, counselors and staff!!! Thanks, Camp ASCCA, for the fun the campers will experience, and for the respite for parents and families.

"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest."


Thursday, July 30


It seems impossible. My youngest son is turning 25 … TODAY!

There are lots of reasons I could give for this feeling of impossibility, and many people would instantly identify. However, not so many people would guess correctly the main reason for my feeling this way. You see, on my birthday twenty-three years ago, my husband and I were told that David had less than a year to live. He had been diagnosed with a terminal disease. Nothing in life has been as painful as that moment.

But … David is turning twenty-five today!! YES ! I’m writing today to outwardly proclaim what I’ve been proclaiming inside for the past 23 years: PRAISE GOD for willing that there be a life for this young man, David Allison! His life has changed mine.

I hope you will PRAISE GOD with me for the impact that he and his life have had upon others: our family, our church family, our friends, his friends, and his doctors and teachers. There isn’t anyone who has known David, really known him, who won’t recognize this delighted grin in his pictures below…

So, because the earlier diagnosis was actually incorrect, as discovered by an outstanding doctor (his very own pediatrician from birth)... David has lived to celebrate many birthdays, and TODAY is his 25th!

Praise God for people who do the very best they can at their job… every day! One day, one little “no-longer-significant” blood test provided the information that gave my son his life back. Someone took their responsibility seriously! May we all learn from this, and put everything we have into everything we do. Daily. Someone’s life may depend upon it!

And what a life it has been!! YES, filled with ups and downs! Whose life isn’t? YES, costly in the financial sense. Whose life isn’t? But what a life he has had – fitting in fun whenever he could… garnering pet names for himself, such as Davey-Wavey, Pretzel-Man, Seabiscuit, and now the grown up “Uncle Dave”.

TOMORROW, I'll post his story in pictures - as a part of our celebration!


In asking you to join in our celebration, please remember that David doesn't need any gifts for his birthday. He doesn’t really want them . He isn’t into THINGS… unless they are chocolate or music - he is only interested in experiencing those, not stockpiling them!

Instead… to those of you who DO know David, or who know OF David, or who have grown to LOVE David… maybe you'd consider contributing a token amount to just one of the following groups, programs, ministries, churches, or facilities. They ALL do an outstanding, remarkable, and NECESSARY job of helping those who need a little help (or a lot!). It'd be great to know that some of these people and organizations would be receiving needed funds to carry on their work with and for people with special needs. David would love that!

How about donating, perhaps 25 dollars (or 25 cents!), to an organization or group that is working to help families and individuals who have special needs? Take a look below at the ones which have directly impacted David’s life.

SPIRITUAL Opportunities…
*Special Connections Ministry at Briarwood Presbyterian Church, in Birmingham, AL
... David’s current church friends - providing Sunday School class, friendship, and activities
*The JOY Ministry at Graceview Baptist Church, in Northwest Houston (Tomball, TX)
... David’s church friends, TX - provided him Sunday School, Bible Study, and a Christian Day Hab experience (prior to 2006)
* Sylvania Church, in Tyler TX
... David’s first experience of acceptance and accommodations in a church class … please give in honor of Dona Stone, his first teacher - she welcomed him with open arms!

*LINCPoint, by UCP-Birmingham – providing a wonderful set of programs - including the Day Habilitation Program which David currently attends weekdays
*St. Louis School - Wayne D. Boshears Center for Exceptional Programs -giving children with special needs a sense of independence and freedom within appropriate educational settings, and providing therapies and so much more for children with severe disabilities and special needs. (David attended 1992-2000)

RECREATION Opportunities
*Camp CAMP, in TEXAS (David is an 11-year veteran “special” CAMP-er!)
*Camp ASCAA, in ALABAMA (David attends for the first year this year!)
*Special Olympics bowling team – “The JOY Angels “from Graceview Baptist Church

MEDICAL Support and Opportunities…
PLEASE support the Children’s Hospitals…
in TX, AL, or ANY Children’s Hospital near you!

*UT-HSC, Univ. Texas Health Science Center - Houston, TX … provided research benefits, hospitals, and healthcare to David… 2000-2006.
*UAB Clinics and Hospital - Birmingham, AL … providing research benefits, hospital and healthcare to David… beginning 2006.

Thank you for your generosity!
And whatever you decide to do,
Please... tell them,
“David sent me”!

(Replies and comments are welcome. REPLIES to emails containing this information should be sent to: DavidAllison.turns25@yahoo.com COMMENTS to the blog will be monitored, but WILL show up later! : ) Please do not add more than one comment! )

Monday, July 27

Monday Musings...

This weekend we are taking David to camp for a week. It's going to be a little different for us, because we've never taken our son to this particular camp. But it will be a familiar adventure for him, since he's attended camp for the past 11 years, in TX. (We lived there until the fall of 2006.)

Although I am anxious to get some time with my spouse that doesn't include all of the responsibilities of having a son with special needs... I'm feeling a bit timid about the actual process of dropping him off. After all, this camp will be a new experience for our son's parents too! (that's me and my husband, of course!) We don't know the ropes, and we don't know the personnel, and we don't even know for sure the steps through the process.

So many things are like this for those of us who are parents of children who have special needs. Though a thing (camp, in this case) SOUNDS familiar or similar to something other parents have gone through... it might not actually be all that similar. For instance, maybe we will have medications to take with us and to explain to the camp staff, or maybe it will be the behavior of our child with special needs that needs our explanations.

But the other parents who drop off kids at camp, they probably have similar things to explain... and probably even similar feelings. They may feel that they have the SAME feelings about letting their child attend camp. Maybe it's a time of rejoicing that they'll have some peace and quiet; maybe it is that they'll get to do something that they can't do easily with their children along; or maybe it's that they are happy to be able to provide an adventure for their kids that the kids would otherwise not have. This is all similar to what parents of children with special needs feel... and yet it doesn't end there. But wait... oh, wait a minute!

Is it possible that parents of children with special needs don't understand what parents with what is referred to as "typical" children go through either? Isn't it really possible that, from either side of the coin, we do not have a clear view of the OTHER side? Isn't it possible that things, which each set of parents take for granted or worry about, are just as hard to conceive of whether you have a typical child or one who has special needs?

I'm not trying to say that one of these kinds of parenthood is easier or more difficult. ALL parenting is difficult. I'm trying to address an issue about whether or not BOTH kinds of parents are receiving the kind of encouragement and assistance that they need in order to be successful. Isn't it possible that by separating ourselves into different "camps" that we are indeed making it more difficult? Could it be that we might actually learn something from each other... across these boundaries that we have imagined between our groups?

I have friends who feel comfortable stating that they are in one or the other group of parents. I also have friends who are parents that have both kinds of children - those with special needs and those who are labelled "typical". What I see with these parents is that they know this: Parenting is one area of life where even the kinds of needs our children have doesn't change one important guideline for supporting others (our children, friends, or anyone!)... that of being considerate and understanding. We can be of such great encouragement to each other if we only could resist separating ourselves into different "camps"!

"Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. "
Romans 12:15
(New American Standard Bible)


A special THANKS to all my friends out there...

And for the record,
I'll be REJOICING this week - all week long,
and even into next week!

with much JOY,

Sunday, July 26

My Hiding Place...

The LORD God is... my hiding place.


"You are a hiding place for me;
you preserve me from trouble;
you surround me with shouts of deliverance.

Psalm 32:7 (ESV)


"You have been a refuge for the poor,
a refuge for the needy in his distress,
a shelter from the storm
and a shade from the heat."

Isaiah 25:4 (NIV)

Monday, July 20

Monday Musings...

This past week was a long week for me. My husband was out of town all week helping our oldest son with a few projects at their new house in TX. I was at home with our youngest son who has special needs. I was also NOT in TX where my two young grandchildren live. So time seemed to pass more slowly than it normally does.

Many things happened during the week to keep me extra-busy with caregiving chores for my 25-yo young-adult son... and so it was indeed a challenging week. In addition to the unexpected things that came up, some of our most-repeated challenges were especially challenging this week. But nothing happened that surprised the Lord, of course... and He had, in fact, prepared us ahead of time to be able to take care of those things that came up. God is so good!

And God is also ESPECIALLY good! He provided help for me for two days of the week, from my husband's mother. She is the family's "Energizer bunny", and a true blessing. Additionally the Lord provided an element of surprise. In more ways than one! : )

One of my nicer surprises was that I received a phone call from a friend from our church in TX. She was coming to Birmingham for a baby shower and would have time to visit with me on Saturday! Wonderful! I have missed my church friends from TX so very much since our move 3 years ago, and making contact with one of them is always a treat. And, during this challenging week, I not only got to hear from one of my friends from the past... I got to invite her into my home to sit and have a little bit of conversation with her! It was particularly encouraging to me!

God knows our needs. He doesn't need us to itemize them for Him on some sort of holy to-do list. In fact, that is FAR from what we need to do. What we need to do is to talk to Him regularly in prayer. In speaking to Him (prayer), we need to voice our awe at His unique position as God of all. As we talk with Him about our inadequacies, we need to commit to trusting Him to provide for the needs. And we need to share our thankfulness with Him. And when we've talked to Him this way, it is quite natural to share with Him the challenges that we see others around of us facing, too.

This week, amidst my own challenges, I did spend time talking with the Lord. And as a result, I think I was able to face the week without crumbling... and to lift up to Him the needs in the lives of those around me, asking Him to sustain them as well. And I know He did.

So how'd your week go? I'd love to hear about it in the
comments section... or in a private email if you wish to use that method.
Let's stay in touch, sharing this life and blessing the Lord together.

" Amen, blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might, be to our God forever and ever Amen."


Sunday, July 19

Sabbath Rest...

Jesus loves me, this I know...

... for the Bible tells me so!


Thursday, June 18

Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful every day of my life. I can't claim that I have ALWAYS been. But what I can say is that NOW, and for the past few years(possibly up to ten or so), that I AM thankful. A hard-to-learn lesson, but one worth considering, is that thankful people are those aware of what has been given to them. None of us "deserve" anything - but the Lord God has blessed all of us in some ways. I want to be responsible - reminding myself each week that I AM thankful, and for which things I am newly (or supremely) thankful.

So THIS WEEK, I am especially thankful for...

1) my Lord's love and care for me
2) an awareness of my surroundings, made possible by my Lord
3) an awareness of the depth of my inabilities
4) an awareness that there are depths of his unfathomable greatness that I shall NEVER know this side of heaven
5) the rain and the sunshine, alternately blessing
6) my copy of God's Word, the Bible
7) friendships that He has granted along the journey of life, blessing me as flowers do (Some are daylilies and last for a short season - boosting an otherwise gloomy "day". And some are glorious perennials who are with me year after year - growing, blooming and mingling their scents with mine)
and, for two tiny, precious treasures named Austin and Megan!

Wednesday, February 18

The WORD for Wednesday...

"Give thanks to the Lord of lords,
For His lovingkindness is everlasting.

To Him who alone does great wonders,
For His lovingkindness is everlasting;

To Him who made the heavens with skill,
For His lovingkindness is everlasting;"

Psalm 136:3-5
(New American Standard Bible)


Tuesday, February 17

Sure doesn't FEEL routine...

Today I am trying to get medical paperwork filed away, and paying some bills. But I don't feel very productive. My older brother is having heart surgery this morning to replace a mis-behaving valve. I've been in touch with his wife, and it's all going real well. According to the reports she is getting, he'll be out soon. Though this is supposed to be a routine heart surgery... it still has me very concerned.

It's like this for us often with our children with special needs. The things they are going through are considered by their specialists to be "routine" for their type of special need and/or disability. But to US, the families of children with special needs - the word "routine" doesn't describe how we feel as we sit and wait.

More likely, what happens during times our children face their challenges head on is not that we sit and wait... but that we are stressed (minds racing), or we are racing about taking care of the child and/or the problems caused... or we're calling and talking to doctors, family and friends. No, sitting and waiting doesn't come easy when things get tough or serious... does it?

Too often we are stressing spiritually as well, not recognizing that what we really need to do is "sit and wait". But the Lord says that this is exactly what we SHOULD do when things don't FEEL routine, or typical. We have very clear directions to follow - we are to lean on the Lord in times like these., just as in all other times.

"Wait for the LORD;
Be strong and let your heart take courage;
Yes, wait for the LORD."

Thursday, February 5

Thankful Thursday

In continuing to add to my Thankful List, I must always begin by restating my thankfulness for the love of God, and the gift of His Son Christ Jesus - His free gift of salvation. In addition, I am so thankful for the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, as Comforter and Encourager, and more.

This week, I am thankful for opportunities:
1) to visit with our sons and their families in TX
2) to freely worship God in a church of our choosing
3) to live in this country, the USA
4) to share life with my spouse
5) to access the written word, without regulation
6) to know and have friendships with other Christians around me
7) to bring my needs, and those of others, to the Lord in prayer
8) to know the one, true God

I realize I am extremely blessed, and plan to share these blessings - not hoard them.

" I will praise the name of God with song
And magnify Him with thanksgiving."

Friday, January 30

Free time, and freedom...

Monday night I went to a meeting that I wanted to attend. You may think this statement "odd" - especially if you don't know much about families with special needs. But to families like mine, it's understandable. Our ability to freely make plans (and our ability to follow through on those plans!) is somewhat restricted by the responsibility we have for our family members who have special needs.

My husband raced home from work Monday in order that I might leave our home in time for that meeting. We make these adjustments frequently and so do other parents of children with special needs. Of course, all families make adjustments in their lives while the children are young, and even continue making adjustments until the children are grown and have lives of their own. But, for some children with special needs - the growing up process and the moving out process are not automatic, and their parents face a much greater responsibility. I am so thankful that my husband and I face this responsibility together.

I did get to attend that meeting on Monday night, and was greatly blessed by going. My "free time" was especially fulfilling. And yet I was greatly blessed in my homecoming as well, for my husband was there with our son... waiting for me. There's a lot to be said for "family". Even with all of our different personalities, our individual quirkiness, and our special needs - we are a family, held together by love.

It's like that in God's family too! This body of Christian believers, varied though we may be, make up the family of God and are united by our love. We must remember to:

"Be good friends who love deeply;
practice playing second fiddle."

Romans 12:10 ... THE MESSAGE


Thursday, January 29

Thankful Thursday

I’m so thankful this week for many things…

1) Sunshine
2) Photos of grandchildren, shared by their parents
3) Caring friends
4) Work to do
5) My vehicle
6) Moody Christian Radio
7) My copy of the Bible
8) My new washer and dryer
9) My family

"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
his love endures forever."


Wednesday, January 28

The WORD, for Wednesday...

"For this light momentary affliction
is preparing for us
an eternal weight of glory
beyond all comparison,"

Tuesday, January 27



I drive a minivan.

There... I've said it. It's not your most bragged-about vehicle, but I probably would brag about mine except that people would think I'm crazy. After all, what would make a woman who is "50-something" ever WANT to drive a minivan? You see... my days of carting youngsters to baseball and soccer fields, and teens to driver's ed. and band practices are over! My three sons are all grown-ups now.

However, my youngest son has special needs, lives at home with us, and is dependent upon me for his transportation. The minivan fits my son's abilities and his accessibility requirements. So... I drive the minivan, thankful that one of life's hurdles to my son's independence is made easier.

This morning on the way to David's day hab program, I felt the car engine "knocking" (or so I thought) and sighed, thinking that I needed to set up an appointment at the dealer. I don't have a lot of extra time, and none that I'd want to spend it a the dealer's repair shop. But I'd already envisioned myself there. Then I turned to glance into the back seat where David rides, and this is where I burst into laughter. : )

As it turned out, the "lags" in my van's engine were being caused by my son - not really an engine problem at all. You see, David was keeping time to the music on the radio, leaning forward and backwards with what resembles rocking motions. This is his method of keeping time with the music, and he is very precise with this "nodding" to the beat.

But today he was "really into it", swaying forward almost to his knees then swaying to the back of his captain's chair before swaying forward again. Listening to the radio, David was worshipping along with his all-time favorite artist, Michael W. Smith, to the song "A New Hallelujah". David's friend Clayton also loves worship songs from "Michael W.", and is probably worshipping along with him this week... and so are many others of us, including his mother.

Indeed, "Let the song arise"!

"Sing to the LORD a new song;
sing to the LORD, all the earth."


Sunday, January 25


"Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you,
And therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you.
For the LORD is a God of justice;
How blessed are all those who long for Him."


Saturday, January 24

Room Redo...

We did a bit of rearranging in David's room today.

There was an unintentional spilling of his CDs from the tower near his bed this week during a seizure. So, we moved that whole set-up away from his bed. The CDs were handy there, close to his tall dresser where his switch-activated stereo and switch are. But we'll get used to the new arrangement.

Since David has somewhat-limited functioning of his arms and hands, he uses a switch to turn his stereo on and off. He listens to a local Christian radio station most of the time lately, but we still keep one of his favorite CD's in the stereo in case he wants to play it instead. (Music is it's own world of communication, isn't it?)

Anyway, David doesn't really use the CD's much anymore - he's moved on to mp3's. Now he has a switch-activated mp3-player that he's trying to learn to use. It's pretty cool in that it's tiny, and he can "wear"it. It's also easy to sync with his iTunes playlist. This particular player is special as it has two switch adaptors - giving him the option of being able to toggle the mp3-player on/off, OR... to skip through the songs until he gets to the one he REALLY wants to listen to. We're still working on it, but he's getting the hang of it pretty well.

You can check out the little mp3-player at my friend RJ Cooper's website. You'll find a lot of very interesting items for those who need just a bit (or a lot) of adaptation to make the neatest little things accessible. We've been ordering from them for years. I'll be sharing more of the items (plus pictures) next week.

Back to the room redo... you know how one thing always seems to lead to another? We moved several pieces of furniture in there today. : )

"Shout for joy, O heavens;rejoice, O earth;burst into song, O mountains!
For the LORD comforts his people
and will have compassion on his afflicted ones."

Thursday, January 22

Change of plans...

Once again, we had to change our plans for the day...

Our son David had a seizure this morning as I helped him get dressed for his day. His seizures are pretty vigorous and take a lot out of him. So it's underrstandable that he requires sleep after them.

Anyway, we had a different day than what we expected. I had a day of errands planned, which had to be postponed; and David's plans had to be changed also. Typically, David attends a Day Hab Program every weekday... but not today. Today David spent his time spent resting and sleeping.

I filled my day with things that I would have done while at home in the evenings. My errands will get done another day. One thing we definitely have learned in dealing with our son's epilepsy is to be flexible... we always have a "Plan B".

On Thursday's I typically post a note to the blog called my Thankful List.
This Thursday, I am only adding one item to my list... there'll be more next week.

This week, I'm truly thankful for David's day habilitation program.
The program David attends on weekdays is UCP-Bham's Adult Program at LINCPoint. It's available for young adults with developmental disabilities in the Birmingham area. Our young adults with developmental disabilities are included in one or more of the various things available through UCP. It is an excellent program... with so much to offer!


Saturday, January 17


More opportunities for communication! This is something we continually need for our son with special needs.

We got to go out to Texas when our grandchildren were born in October. But we hadn’t been able to visit our grandson Austin and his parents since Austin was just 3 days old - the day our granddaughter Megan was born!

Thankfully, for Christmas, our brand-new grandson got to come from Houston to visit his Granny, Granddaddy and "Uncle Dave”. We were able to get a photo during one of the moments of communication between Austin and his Uncle Dave.

A picture is worth a thousand words...

"Jesus said,
"Let the little children come to me
and do not hinder them,
for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven."

Matthew 19:14


Thursday, January 15

Thankful Thursday

I have been keeping a Thankful List for a couple of years now, and this is a continuation of that list...

On this day, I am very thankful that there is a God, and that He has made Himself known to me. I am thankful that He has a plan for me, and that He sent His Only Begottten Son to pay the price for my sin. I am thankful for forgiveness in Him.

I’m also thankful for:
1. Friends who will pray for me - supporting me in the best way possible
2. A son living at home with me - giving me purpose while my husband travels.
3. A home to live in - keeping us warm and dry, and so much more
4. My view through our fence - a neighbor’s holly bush has berries that are still bright red and quite beautiful
5. The Entrekin family who came to my rescue Monday morning - the four of them helped get David into our van and headed to the ER quickly
6. David’s diagnosis of “just” a UTI, and not something more serious
7. My children and grandchildren - giving me so much JOY

"Give thanks in all circumstances,
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. "

1 Thessalonians 5:18


Wednesday, January 14

The WORD for Wednesday

"I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.
And in Your book they all were written,
The days fashioned for me,
When as yet there were none of them."


Tuesday, January 13

Missing in Action...

I know... I know...
I've been missing in action.
I've been away from almost everything , not just my blogging.

Wanna see the reason why? : )

Take a look at these two beautiful grandchildren of mine.
That ought to explain it!!! : )

Both of my grandchildren will be 3 months old next week!

My pretty little granddaughter Megan came to visit me for Thanksgiving!!!
My active little grandson Austin came to visit me for Christmas!!!

Oh, what JOY!!!

We are VERY blessed!!
