... a mother, writing about adventures in assisting and advocating for her young adult son who has special needs,
invites you to come along for the ride.

Thursday, October 2

Thankful Thursday

Once a week, a few friends and I have shared our limited views of what we have been blessed with in this life. They've been designated as "Thankful Thursdays", but we are thankful every day ! Well, today is Thankful Thursday, and again I find myself with more things to be thankful for than I could ever hope to list! Praise the Lord, his mercies are new every morning!!!

I’m forever thankful for God’s power and love, for Christ Jesus and the salvation He purchased for me, and for the comfort and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

I’m also thankful today for…
1) overwhelming evidence of God's intricate design
2) two "P's" : Purpose, and Place
3) the fragrance of dawn approaching
4) an abundance of help and helpers following my surgery
5) day hab for David, five days a week
6) opportunities to honor God
7) God's assurance that He is "always there"
8) food for the soul (Gods Word)
9) David's occasional huge grins
10) heart-felt praise songs, and for sharing in worship together
11) precious prayer partners
12) the concept of networking (interacting or engaging in informal communication with others for mutual assistance or support) as it relates to persons with special needs )

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good.His love endures forever.


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