Continuing my Thursday goal of acknowledging a few new (or radically rediscovered) blessings from the Lord, I’m adding a few more things to my list. However, the first things I declare must always be God Himself and His great love for us, and His gift of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and for the counsel of the Holy Spirit who first drew me to Him.
Today I’m also thankful for…
1) Words spoken and understood as encouragement this week
2) Two tiny babies, awaiting their births later this month
3) The excitement of anticipation of these first two grandchildren for my husband and me
4) Packages received containing adapted devices that will allow my son to access his own choice of recorded scripture, and his favorite praise and worship songs
5) My continuing recovery from toe surgery
6) Tylenol , which actually works for me
7) JOY amidst pain
8) God’s willingness to hear us when we pray
9) Patience beyond all measure - which God has shown me
10) Patience my family has shown me
11) Art, and the pleasant calming nature of some of it
12) Changing attitudes of people greeting those of us who have family members with special needs
13) Prescription medications which help with seizure control in persons with epilepsy
14) God’s continuing presence in the circumstances of our lives
15) The very IDEA of love... and for God’s demonstration of it
"Give thanks to the LORD,
call on his name;
make known among the nations what he has done."