My husband raced home from work Monday in order that I might leave our home in time for that meeting. We make these adjustments frequently and so do other parents of children with special needs. Of course, all families make adjustments in their lives while the children are young, and even continue making adjustments until the children are grown and have lives of their own. But, for some children with special needs - the growing up process and the moving out process are not automatic, and their parents face a much greater responsibility. I am so thankful that my husband and I face this responsibility together.
I did get to attend that meeting on Monday night, and was greatly blessed by going. My "free time" was especially fulfilling. And yet I was greatly blessed in my homecoming as well, for my husband was there with our son... waiting for me. There's a lot to be said for "family". Even with all of our different personalities, our individual quirkiness, and our special needs - we are a family, held together by love.
It's like that in God's family too! This body of Christian believers, varied though we may be, make up the family of God and are united by our love. We must remember to:
"Be good friends who love deeply;
practice playing second fiddle."
Romans 12:10 ... THE MESSAGE
practice playing second fiddle."
Romans 12:10 ... THE MESSAGE