... a mother, writing about adventures in assisting and advocating for her young adult son who has special needs,
invites you to come along for the ride.

Monday, September 29

Sunday, and Rest

Rest is underrated. These past few weeks as I recovered from surgery on my toe, I found that rest is not a luxury; it is indeed a necessity which I have all too frequently ignored. I am not talking about mere sleeping (which is actually another necessity for life that I've taken way too lightly and far too often). What I am talking about is sheer REST. Rest is to relax, to take respite, to take a break or to STOP. Do we know how to do this in American culture today? I don't think some of us allow for this thing which the Lord says is necessary!

As a parent of a son with special needs, I often use the excuse that I simply do not have the time for resting. I get caught up in the long list of things "yet to be done". Everyone knows what I am talking about here. We all fall into this trap. The fact of the matter is that REST is more necessary than the items on the to-do list or the daily routine list for our child with special needs. The Bible tells us to rest on the Lord, to lean on Him, and to stop… or take a break. Moreover, it is explained to us that we must rest even during the busiest and most vital work weeks of our lives!

"Six days you shall labor, but on the seventh day you shall rest; even during the plowing season and harvest you must rest." Exodus 34:21

Sunday is the day I have chosen for resting. Prior to my recent surgery I haven't actually done much resting routinely… instead I have struggled with the things like my to-do list, and my son's unpredictable needs, and the rush of trying to get everything done on the weekend. While recuperating in my bed for two weeks, I have been impressed to WORK more at RESTING. Sounds like an oxymoron doesn't it? It is not. Resting is actually something you do, as opposed to something that happens to you as you sit doing nothing.

Resting is trusting in the Lord and the Lord's plan for your life. That takes action! Resting is laying aside the things that you DO, and choosing to separate yourself from those things (and those lists of things!) and meditating on (or thinking about) the ways of God. That takes concerted action! Resting is releasing yourself from the driven pace, and relaxing. That takes a change of action. Resting is putting aside YOUR OWN agenda for HIS. That takes self-control… and that's action!

As Sunday arrives this week, think about putting aside your to-do list… think about RESTING, in Him.

"'Sabbath' means rest, and the meaning of the word gives a hint as to the true way to observe the day. God rested after creation, and ordained the Sabbath as a rest for man."
Weighed and Wanting

1 comment:

Holly said...

"...rest...even during the plowing and the harvest season." That hit me. Thank you for the reminder/encouragement/admonition, Carol!! Holly