... a mother, writing about adventures in assisting and advocating for her young adult son who has special needs,
invites you to come along for the ride.

Sunday, November 22

Sunday Rest... Quiet Rest

"There is a place of quiet rest...
near to the heart of God..."

The words of the song remind us that quiet rest is found in becoming near to God... and that is done with personal time spent with Him. Nancy Leigh DeMoss has written a good book to help us understand more about this, and to address some of our excuses or hurdles faced when attempting to carve out a little "me & God" time in our busy lives. If you're looking for more motivation, I highly recommend this book!

The God of the universe created us for fellowship with Himself. We realize this and long for that personal intimacy with God, but it often seems out of reach. Nancy Leigh DeMoss sheds light on the process of coming to know God intimately. In, "A Place of Quiet Rest" Nancy shares from her heart and life how a daily devotional time can strengthen your relationship with Christ. She addresses the common frustrations and pitfalls that most of us encounter in our devotional life, and makes practical suggestions for overcoming them.

Experience that place of quiet rest... everyday!


Thursday, November 19

Thankful Thursday

Today, I'm thankful for...

- a skilled rehab physical therapist for my back problems

- time available to go and do the 2-hour therapy sessions

- a reliable vehicle and money for the gas it needs

- son David's gentle spirit

- my husband's support

- prayer partners and friends who care

- HOPE, for all pending situations

- God's provision for my life

"Count your blessings,
name them one by one..."